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Blown ISC Driver

Sometimes a bad ISC (idle stepper control) motor can damage the driver chip inside the ECU. Here's what to look for to identify this situation.


There are two things I'd like to note here. First, when these blow, they often take out tracks underneath the driver. In these cases, simply replacing the driver is ineffective. So if you remove this yourself, look carefully around the board to make sure no tracks were damaged when the driver blew.

Second, these blow for a reason. If you simply replace one with another one without being certain you have addressed the underlying cause (typically a bad ISC motor), the new one will simply blow again when the ECU is powered up.


IC112 controls the Fuel Pressure Solenoid (FPS) and Boost Control Solenoid (BCS).


driver01.1250538562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/08/17 15:49 by twdorris